Chef de mission – Peter Cummings Barrister rallies the troops for Vietnamese cooking classes.
Suzanne Delbridge-Bailey from our major sponsor FORSYTHES FORENSIC ACCOUNTING, explains the nuances of valuing goodwill in family law disputes.
Beverley Cantle, Paige De Losa and Anne Cogswell relax in Hoi-an.
Federal Magistrate Giles Coakes warns of the perils of judicial bias.
Our youngest delegate Julia Kearney is proud of her efforts at the Vietnamese cooking classes.
Judge Richard Cogswell SC reminds practitioners of their ethical obligations and the etiquette expected in the Court room.
Sophie Walsh, Warwick O’Rourke and Judge Margaret Sidis enjoy the welcome drinks at Hoi-an.
Carolyn Davenport SC and Lisa McGuire are enjoying the Hoi-an climate.
Jeremy Gormly SC provides a most disturbing summary of justice gone wrong in The Mallard Enquiry.
Leonie and Judge Chris Robison and Justice Stephen Campbell enjoy a drink in Hoi-an.
Justice Steven Campbell looks back on the first 10 years of the Civil Liability Act.
Morning tea provides excellent networking opportunities for delegates.
Dr Dominic Frawley AM and Jeremy Gormly SC discuss the relationship between the medical and legal professions.
We made many friends at the conference in Hanoi.