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Hawaii 2014

The view of Waikiki from our conference hotel, the Hyatt Regency.
Jeremy Gormly SC, David Ash, Ray and Barbara Whitten and Paige De Losa.
Frances McGowan, Andrew Whitten and Mitch McKenzie enjoying the Welcome Drinks on the lawns of the Grant Hyatt Kauai.
Peter Cummings SC, Rose Fekete, Frank Marks, the Hon Justice Ruth McColl AO and Paul Lewis.
“Brothers in Arms” – Judges Rolf Driver and Giles Coakes.
Learned Friends Director Peter Cummings SC introduced Hawaiian Supreme Court Justice Sabrina McKenna.
Dr Wendy Foote, Claudia Gormly and Julie Coakes.
Jeffrey Phillips SC delivered a paper entitled “Professional Ethics and Responsibilities of Lawyers who Bully (including Judges)” which sparked a lively debate.
Daniel Hempey, one of Hawaii’s “Super Lawyers” provided fascinating insight into the rise of native title issue in Hawaiian law.
Melanie Cairns, Grant Cairns and Amelia at the Luau.
One of Hawaii’s most experienced lawyers and per diem judges, Laurel Loo answered all of our questions on the issues arising in the practice of law in Hawaii.
Pat Nagle, Fiona McDonald, Karen McDonald, Graeme McDonald, Dennis Wheelahan QC and Michelle Beach at the Conference Welcome Drinks at Kauai.
We were privileged to hear from Justice Sabrina McKenna of the Supreme Court of Hawaii.
Justice Cliff Hoeben, Chief Judge at Common Law, NSW Supreme Court, delivered a comprehensive and valuable paper on Case Management and Concurrent Evidence.
Bella getting some tips on stand up paddle boarding Waikiki style.
Frank Marks headed an interactive panel discussion with Hawaiian lawyers from many different areas of practice.
Celebrating the end of a successful conference with our Hawaiian colleagues.
Celebrating the end of a successful conference with our Hawaiian colleagues.
Jeremy Gormly SC laid down the law on Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Judge Rolf Driver provided an outstanding and up to date overview on the area of migration and refugee claims.
Our most colourful couple – Dennis Wheelahan QC and Michelle Beach at the Luau.
Tali and Issac struck up a friendship at the conference.
Susan Oliver with daughters Juliette and Mercedes at the Hawaiian Luau.
Shauna L Cahill, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, took us through the Hawaiian criminal justice process from ‘Book him Danno’ to the end.
Judge Giles Coakes pauses for a moment’s reflection during his presentation on Contemporary Problems in Litigating Family Law Matters.
Local lawyer Emiko Myers presenting on ‘Legal Aid and Poverty Law in Hawaii’.