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Lord Howe Island 2014

Lord Howe Island Legal Conference

Lord Howe Island Legal Conference

5-12 April 2014

In April 2014 we returned to beautiful Lord Howe, regarded by many as the most beautiful island in the Pacific.  It is the closest island getaway to Sydney. The Island, which is on the World Heritage Register, is surrounded by many beaches … all of which are different.  It has the world’s southern most coral lagoon which is extensive, pristine and thoroughly beautiful.

Our delegates, presenters and their families enjoyed a week of snorkelling, walking, cycling and socialising.  Many caught fish!

The formal part of our conference opened with a topical and cutting edge presentation on challenging the validity of legislation by Mark Robinson SC.  It was Mark and family’s second Lord Howe conference with us.  Shortly after leaving the Island Mark appeared in a major constitutional challenge in the High Court concerning asylum seekers on Manus Island.

Andrew Stone entertained us with an informative and interactive ethics hypothetical based on an upheaval of the legal system on Lord Howe.  Ian Duane presented a very relevant and useful paper on Judicial Bias, and what to do about it, and Nicholas Smith provided a fascinating insight into protection of domain names.  Penny Holloway, CEO of Lord Howe Island, outlined the legal system and how it affects life in this most interesting and unique pocket of New South Wales.

Jane Beverley, principal of our conference sponsors “Evolution Advisors” brought us up to date on what was required to establish legitimate deductions for travel and professional education.  Paul Westwood walked us through the intricacies of forensic document examination and Felicity Wardhaugh, lecturer at University of Newcastle Law School rounded out the conference with an provocative and insightful presentation of “Emotional Intelligence”.

Our sincere thanks go to our wonderful speakers, and to all of the participants who made our third Lord Howe conference such a stunning success.

Papers from our Lord Howe conference are available on this website in “Past Papers